
Directed by Billy Saleebey, "Rolling" is a turbulent journey that takes a tough yet entertaining look at this unique drug phenomenon. With the pace and style of a documentary, Saleebey captured the essence of the Ecstasy culture, exposing the delicate balance of relationships and responsibilities, while chasing this drug-induced euphoria. Films stars a stellar cast; Sanoe Lake, Garrett Brawith, Clinton Cargile, Rachel Hardisty, Erin Cummings, Joshua Harper, Angie Greenup, Brian William Toth, Albert Rothman, John Paul Cooney, Calico Cooper, Christine Cowden, Brent Horning, Eric Labarr, Jason Seitz, Todd Oeltze, Aaron Perilo, Omi Vaidya, Jason Boegh, Kip Brown.